City of Madison, Wisconsin

Issuer Overview
City of Madison, Wisconsin

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Issuer Overview
City of Madison, Wisconsin

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

On behalf of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Madison, Wisconsin, welcome to our investor relations website.  We appreciate your interest and investment in bonds and notes issued by the City of Madison, as it allows the city to fund various public purpose initiatives and make critical investments in public infrastructure throughout the city.  We are committed to maintaining the strongest bond rating possible, and to transparency in our disclosure practices, and ask that you contact us at any time with any concerns about, or suggestions for, disclosure and information from the City of Madison.

The City is guided by a 20 year comprehensive plan, Imagine Madison, that is updated every 10 years through a robust public engagement process that reflects an innovative, inclusive and thriving Madison.  The Elements of a Great City and related goals, strategies and activities within the Imagine Madison document provide the foundation for our five year capital improvement plan and annual capital budget.  City investments prioritize affordable housing, sustainability and climate resilience, public transit, and racial equity and social justice.

We hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the fundamentals of the various credits issued by the City of Madison.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions on our borrowing program.

Thank you again for your interest in the City of Madison and its financing program.